David Cameron, the lily-livered imposter who leads the driftless British Conservative Party has taken advantage of 9/11.... to launch an attack on US Foreign policy. Great timing, eh?
Call Me Dave criticised America's decision to "act alone" in Iraq ,(Even though it didn't act alone, but why allow facts to get in the way, eh?) and accused Mr Blair and Mr Bush of opting for military solutions because they provided "dramatic answers" but with "illusory" results. (Not sure about that Dave, dead terrorists kinds stay dead, which is good enough for me!)
Addressing the British American Project in London, Mr Cameron said the West had to be "honest" in assessing British and American failings since 9/11.
He waffled: "Continuing instability in the world, an ever-present threat of terrorism, democracy struggling, often unsuccessfully, to take root in the Middle East, the threat of a nuclear Iran: on any reasonable measure, the challenges are greater today than five years ago."
Pathetic. Islam has declared WAR on us. The Jihadists don't give a damn about Dave's empty headed bleating about diplomacy, other than recognising that they have a natural born appeaser as the supposed leader of the British "right".
I do NOT accept that Blair has behaved as a poodle for the Bush administration, indeed he has shown genuine leadership in this specific area when the rest of the UK political elite were cowered by unfavourable media headlines into opposing every step of the war on militant Islam. They have learnt nothing since 9/11 and they almost delight in their ignorance.
In contrast to Cameron's pitiful waffle, authentic British Conservatism was heard through a call from Lady Thatcher, a guest of honour at White House commemoration ceremonies, for Britain not to falter against "Islamist fanatics who hate our beliefs, our liberties and our citizens". Hear Hear! Well said, Lady Thatcher. It is clear that despite your infirmities you still speak for real British Conservatives.
Re: the "special relationship":
"we will serve neither our own, nor America's, nor the world's interests if we are seen as America's unconditional associate in every endeavour."
Re: Iraq
"The transformation of a country from tyranny to freedom does not begin and end with regime change and the calling of elections"
Re: war
"The prospect of war may attract too readily those who look for quick dramatic answers. Such answers often turn out to be illusory."
Has he been reading ATW??
In any case, hear, hear. I couldn't have put it better myself.
Posted by: Cunningham | September 12, 2006 at 08:19 AM
Can he read?
Posted by: David Vance | September 12, 2006 at 09:07 AM
At last Cameron is showing himself for what he really is - a two-bit chancer, who seizes on any, and every opportunity to exploit, in the most shoddy and sleazy manner, what he sees, as being the 'public mood'.
The U.K. will rue the day if he ever becomes PM...
Posted by: Ernest Young | September 12, 2006 at 10:11 AM
'Mr Cameron said the West had to be "honest" in assessing British and American failings since 9/11.'
The only failings the West has made, since 9/11, is in taking notice of the liberal lefties, who seem to be hell bent on commiting some form of international hari-kari.
Continuing instability in the world, an ever-present threat of terrorism, democracy struggling, often unsuccessfully, to take root in the Middle East, the threat of a nuclear Iran: on any reasonable measure, the challenges are greater today than five years ago."
The challenges may be greter today, but at least we cannot say that we have not been warned, and unlike previous world conflicts, we may at least be a little better prepared for the worst.
Real Leaders do not flinch from making the tough decisions, appeasement is the easy option for the cowardly.
The one sensible thing that Blair has done while in office, is to ally the UK with the US, - his reasons may not be as altruistic as he would like us to believe, but nevertheless, it was the right thing to do.
Posted by: Ernest Young | September 12, 2006 at 10:29 AM
Totally agree with EY comments. The only true ally we have is USA. Anyone read or hear Chirac yesterday about standing firm with America! Yeah right!
And indeed well said Lady T. God would that we had a Leader of her ilk in the waiting. We are in real trouble if that wet wooly liberal David Cameron gets into power. I would vote BNP before I let that happen.
Posted by: Maggie | September 12, 2006 at 11:16 AM
But Maggie- they're (gulp!) Socialists!!! Oh, and racists too but I can't figure out if that's worse than being a socialist.
Posted by: Mardy Bum | September 12, 2006 at 11:37 AM
The BNP are extreme right wing nationalists, racists, anti-semites and xenophobes.
The right invariably accuse the left of a lack of patriotism, so I fail to see how the uber patriotic BNP can be described as left wing.
Posted by: Peter | September 12, 2006 at 11:45 AM
Peter- I know, I know. But I give it about 10 minutes before someone comes on banging on about how they favour redistribution of wealth and increased government interference in our lives, higher taxation and end to privatisation in the NHS.
As if any of that means anything in comparison to what these nob-heads in the BNP peddle on forced repatriation of British people.
Posted by: Mardy Bum | September 12, 2006 at 12:05 PM
I'm not persuaded that those who perpetrated the 7/7 bombings, who go on Jihad to Iraq to attempt to kill British soldiers, who go to Israel on a suicide bombing mission, who consider the 'ummah' to be the recipient of their loyalty, can ever be described as British.
A Breslau-type solution may be required to extirpate those who would destroy us.
Posted by: Allan@Aberdeen | September 12, 2006 at 12:28 PM
Allan, please explain "Breslau-type solution".
Posted by: Peter | September 12, 2006 at 12:36 PM
There is little worse than being a 'socialist', - it is a form of mental disorder that instils delusions of altruism and an overwhelmingly arrogant attitude as to the correctness of their opinions, bordering on extreme bigotry. In the worst cases a large degree of hypocrisy is seen, along with a decreasing intellectual ability.
Often an improvement is seen as the sufferer matures, but not always so, many of the worst bigots being elderly, and rejoicing in some outdated honorary title such as Lord or Dame, which they assume gives them respectability, or 'class', a virtue which most have spent their lives decrying as 'warriors' in the 'class war'.
While singly they are basically harmless, collectively they can do much financial and moral damage to any community indolent enough to let them prosper.
Disclaimer: Some of my best friends are socialists. :-)
Posted by: Ernest Young | September 12, 2006 at 01:12 PM
There is little worse than being a 'socialist', - it is a form of mental disorder that instils delusions of altruism and an overwhelmingly arrogant attitude as to the correctness of their opinions, bordering on extreme bigotry. In the worst cases a large degree of hypocrisy is seen, along with a decreasing intellectual ability.
But we have a grasp of irony though.
Posted by: Mardy Bum | September 12, 2006 at 01:47 PM
Peter- I'm assuming Allan means the forced movement of Germans from Polish Breslau (or Wroclaw) post 1945. It's a crap linkage to be honest.
Posted by: Mardy Bum | September 12, 2006 at 01:51 PM
I really don't care about left wing, socialist, racist or whatever, just as long as they are on the side of the indigenous people of GB...you know we can celebrate Christmas, PC is a thing of the past and above all NO MORE IMMIGRATION. Just to let you know I am not predjudiced, no more immigration of anyone, white, pink or any other hue, the poor old country will sink slowly into the sea. As I have said before Blair and comrades must have been the only people this side of the black stump who didn't realise the East Europeans would come pouring in once opened up.
Posted by: Maggie | September 12, 2006 at 04:36 PM
Mardy Bum,
Yes life is ironic isn't it. Socialists, of whatever strain, dislike (hate), anyone who has a different p.o.v., likewise their opponents similarly dislike socialism, the only difference being, that the Left is still surprised, and refuses to accept that fact, - hence its innate arrogance.
Posted by: Ernest Young | September 12, 2006 at 06:00 PM
>>It is a form of mental disorder that instils delusions of altruism and an overwhelmingly arrogant attitude as to the correctness of their opinions, bordering on extreme bigotry. In the worst cases a large degree of hypocrisy is seen, along with a decreasing intellectual ability.<<
It's never too late for a genuine confession.
Posted by: Cunningham | September 12, 2006 at 07:53 PM
Are naturally stupid, or do you actually work at it?
Posted by: Ernest Young | September 12, 2006 at 08:20 PM
The fact that Cunningham is obviously ready to vote for Call Me Dave pretty much covers it for the end of the Conservative Party, lol.
And Mardy, you dont know shit about the BNP. Please show us all where it talks about forced repatriation in their manifesto or shut the fuck up.
Posted by: dangerouslysubversivedad | September 12, 2006 at 09:01 PM
It is surely evident that the muslim population is the sea in which the terrorists swim. Given that islam is inherently incompatible with democracy as evidenced by their scripture and the events in Iraq, Beslan, Iran, Jordan, India, et -wherever they are - cetera, then returning the adherents to their lands of ideological origin is simply a measure taken in self-defence: we still have the right of self-defence, don't we?
Posted by: Allan@Aberdeen | September 12, 2006 at 11:11 PM
No. Liberals do not believe we have any such right. They are pacifists par excellence, dhimmis-in-waiting, appeasers beyond the pale.
Posted by: David Vance | September 12, 2006 at 11:17 PM
"then returning the adherents to their lands of ideological origin is simply a measure taken in self-defence"
adherents of terrorism or adherents of Islam?
Posted by: aileen | September 12, 2006 at 11:43 PM
He obviously means Muslims, Aileen.
>>The fact that Cunningham is obviously ready to vote for Call Me Dave pretty much covers it for the end of the Conservative Party, lol>>
I love it!
Maybe I should even join the Cons just to give that wreched lot the coup de grace.
Revenge for Bobby Sands, what?
Posted by: Cunningham | September 13, 2006 at 12:01 AM
Revenge for Bobby Sands, what?
One delusional dimwit being aped by another!
Posted by: Ernest Young | September 13, 2006 at 09:31 AM