September 30, 2006


Peter T

Ohh!! - Wash your mouth out David Vance


The film " An Inconvenient Truth" explains how the Earth's tilt ( for the seasons ) means global warming almost exclusively effects the Northern Hemisphere, the analogy used is pretty; its like taking air once a year, our Earth breathes, in /out and relax.


[T]he Earth's tilt means global warming almost exclusively effects the Northern Hemisphere

my god, id worked that out in about a nano second and didnt even need al gore to explain it to me. what a dolt you are david. need a hand with that barrel?

Tom Tyler

No comprendre. Why should the earth's tilt mean that GW affects the NH rather than the SH? For half the year, the NH "points" towards the sun, for the other half it's the SH. In fact, the earth as a whole is closer to the sun during winter in the NH (summer in the SH), therefore the warmth of summer in the SH ought to be greater than the warmth of summer in the NH??


Oh Goody. I can finally ignore the unscientific guiltfest nag from the greenies, dust off my 14ft tinnie with the 75 hp outboard, head out to the reef (Great Barrier) and go mackerel fishing at last.

See you round the ridges.


Watch out for those stingrays Anabel. Be careful, girl.


No comprendre. Why should the earth's tilt mean that GW affects the NH rather than the SH? For half the year, the NH "points" towards the sun, for the other half it's the SH. In fact, the earth as a whole is closer to the sun during winter in the NH (summer in the SH), therefore the warmth of summer in the SH ought to be greater than the warmth of summer in the NH??

thanks be to god it was the likes of you who worked out geometry before anybody else. go work out the earths tilt wrt the sun, rotate it 360 and get back to me.

out the "liberals" out the "academics" and then tell muslims they are backward........................ boy have you got it all worked out.

David Vance

To those acolytes of global warming on this thread...

Since the stats show no global warming in the southern Hemisphere, any thoughts on why Al Gore devotes a large section of his movie -An Implausible Truth - to the melting of the West Antartic ice shelf...????

Sorry Greenies- the science defeats you but I do understand that it's an article of faith for you...


David see the film, I'm suprised your kids aren't dragging you out to go with them :)
you will cry!
Listen the CO2 is being emitted from the USA 30x more than anywhere else, when the planet rotates in the fall, fortunately it has a chance to breathe again when the rainforest is hit by the sun and emits O2.
Otherwise we would be choking to Death.
Its really simple. No faith here, just fact.

Tom Tyler

Daytripper, I still don't get the maths here. The earth's axis is tilted 23.5º from the vertical, and here's where I think your geometry is askew: The tilt is not static in relation to the sun, but static in relation to the ecliptic plane as it orbits the sun, so that on 21 Dec the north pole "points" 23.5º outwards AWAY from the sun, and on 21 Jun it points 23.5º inwards TOWARDS the sun. I think you might be under the impression that the tilt remains constant relative to the sun, so that the north pole is always inclined 23.5º towards the sun all year round. Not so.
If that's not what you meant, then please, what did you mean?


thats what i meant. and i didnt need google to learn it.

"Global average temperature is calculated from temperature readings around the Earth. While temperature does vary considerably at a daily level in any one place, global average temperature is remarkably constant. According to analyses of ice cores, tree rings, pollen and other "climate proxies," the average temperature of the Northern Hemisphere had varied up or down by only a few tenths of a degree Celsius between 1000 AD and about 1900, when a rapid warming began. A global average temperature change ranging from 2.5°F (1.4°C) to 10.4°F (5.8°C) would translate into climate-related impacts that are much larger and faster than any that have occurred during the 10,000-year history of civilization."

it is time to wake up the possibiliy that we are fucking up this planet big style.

Tom Tyler

Daytripper, you're not answering my question. You say that the reason why Global Warming should naturally affect the Northern Hremisphere more than the Southern, is all to to with the earth's tilt. From that statement, I assumed that you thought that the eath's tilt remained constant relative to the sun, so that the Northern Hemisphere is ALWAYS pointing towards the sun and thus receiving more sunlight and warmth. You now say "that is what I meant" (ie, that you do in fact think that the N.H. always points towards the sun). Well that is not true. It doesn't. Your geometry is wrong. Why do you think we have 17 hours of daylight in June and only 7 in December? You can work it out yourself in a dark room using a torch and a cricket ball.

Tom Tyler

PS, daytripper,

and i didnt need google to learn it.

Ooooh, get back in the knife drawer, missus!
What was the point in saying that? Pretty much everything I know about anything was learned via a secondary source, whether it be google, or a text-book or a verbal lecture or whatever. There's no shame in that, and no need for a petty, snidish dig. Taxation law did not pop fully-formed into my mind without the aid of manuals and websites. But you "just worked solar system physics all out by yourself", huh? Wow, wish you had been alive 1000 years ago, you'd have set them all straight, huh? As it happens, neither did I need to use google on this point, I've known the angle of earth's axis inclination since my schooldays. I reached the age of 12 and I suddenly knew it, just like that. Or did a physics teacher tell me it?
Stop ego-tripping. I have absolutely no problem with being told new information and learning new things, even from you. So please feel free to explain to me like I'm a two year old, how the earth's tilt means that global warming must occur more in the northern hemisphere than in the southern. I readily admit, I don't follow you. You know it, I don't. So teach me and I'll say "thank you".


Ooooh, get back in the knife drawer, missus!

lol. look ill apologise for that snide little remark. it was beneath me and im sorry. im suffering a full on hangover and shouldnt have had a pop at you. too much belvedere on the rocks.

let me get back to you on this, my brain is on half power and everytime i try to formulate this it mists up on me. and i understand the tilt etc etc, and that it is not fixed toward the sun. that is not the issue. its ridiculous anyway as the NH would be in perpetual summer.

Tom Tyler

okey-dokey, remark forgotten.
When your head's recovered I'd be interested in a link or explanation.


" NO global warming in the Southern Hemisphere"


So that ice shelf in antarctica which ollapsed last year was due to:

(a) rising temperatures (as in global warming)
(b) falling temperatures
(c) unchanged temperatures

Clue: ice melts when the temperature rises.
"Temperatures around Antarctica have risen five times faster than the global average over the past 50 years, going up by around 2.5C since the 1940s."

Laura H.

I've was told by a very wise man that the ice break in Antartica is not due to global warming.
Check this link out: http://www.globalwarming.org/node/246
PS-please don't attack me. I'm just learing too!

Laura H.

I've was told by a very wise man that the ice break in Antartica is not due to global warming.
Check this link out: http://www.globalwarming.org/node/246
PS-please don't attack me. I'm just learing too!

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The movie "An Inconvenient Truth" cost very little to produce. So why doesn't Gore revise it to correct errors?

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i like this part of the blog:"Oh dear. What are we to make of the news that there has been NO global warming in the Southern Hemisphere? Surely we shouldn't let science get in the way of a good end of the world story...? " is very good


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