May 02, 2006



Curious how illegal Irish immigrants want to the right to be American after a couple of months illegal activity, and they have the support of the irish governments and the usual suspects in DC, yet they seek to deny Ulster Protestants the right to be British after we have been here centuries.


I know its off topic, Did anyone see Stephen Colbert speak at the WHC dinner? It was fu;king brilliant!!! He said what 70% of Americans wnant to say to Bush, but the gutless mdia are too scared.

If you dont know who he is, colbert is a Comedian on Comedy Central, ne parodies Bill OReilly, he is one of the best comedians around at the moment

David Vance

Colbert was soooo unfunny. Bush was much more entertaining. I suppose I should post a link so all can judge.

David Vance

I saw it! He was crap.


Colbert was hilarious!!!

his comedy is unique and it might be hard to get at first. Everything he said was spot on.I love seeing the loony right cringe!!!, Through up bushes video, i havent seen it yet. Why would he admit to the world that he is stupid, and cant formulate sentances?


that through should be throw!!


Dontcha just love the way those of a Nationalist / Socialist bent claim to know the will of 70% of what people think without asking them. Heaven's forbid people should be allowed to speak for themselves when there is a shinner to say what they really should be thinking if they were re-educated correctly.

Explains why they don't get too worried about such niceties as democracy or electoral honesty.

(just wait to see the self righteous wailing that this post will provoke)



<< (The Irish) seek to deny Ulster Protestants the right to be British after we have been here centuries<<

Been where? In Ireland?
Then indeed you have the right, in fact the priviledge, to consider yourself Irish.
Welcome on board!


Nrg, 70% of Americans disagree with Bush in recent polls.

I am not a 'shinner'. I'm am not a nationalist, unionists are the strongest nationalists in NI, the want to be British, no matter what. Nationalism is for neanderthals, nationality is manmade, just like monarchy and religion, they dont exist in reality, and are used as an excuse to subjegate others


Point taken on the 70% Orga. Apologies if I took you up worng - "Orga" flashes up images of those young pups with the lilly and petrol bomb as a symbol!


'"Orga" flashes up images of those young pups with the lilly and petrol bomb as a symbol!' who are you refering to?


Disagree with you on those things being manmade. Nationality, culture and religion are the outcome of man's experience which itself is not manmade.


Mans experience is mans history, We made our own history, who else could have made it? do you believe that everything is being that happrns is planned by a higher being?


The Atzlan Movement is composed of digusting leftists were anti-semitic and anti-capitalist aims. They are quite small though, and I am thankful for this. But no America is not a country, it's the name of a soccer team in Mexico City and also the name of a soccer team in Cali, Colombia. The United States of America is a country however.


The illegals are apparently claiming the entire continent of North America. You Canucks better watch your backs - you're next. They'll be coming north just like those killer bees.


Man's experience is not just history. We interact a lot with nature including our own nature which we didn't create. Didn't primitive men get their idea of God by looking at the Sun, Moon, Fire etc.? Don't tell me they created that experience.


You know David? I re-read this post and no where did you write about any so-called comedian, so how in the hell did these new friends of yours come up with that topic.

On topic, what I can't understand is why these ILLEGAL Mexicans are NOT protesting in their own country for the same so-called rights from their government instead of our government.

And drop the Irish, it's petty and like totally comparing apples 'n oranges.


Enough with illegals already. We should treat all of them the same though. An illegal is an illegal regardless of whether He's from Ireland, China, Haiti, or Mexico. Some illegals get preferential treatment and
that's Wrong!! Send them all back or none at all.


Of course America is not a country. It is a continent.

Basically, USA took the continental identity from all other countries of America; like Canada, Brazil etc.

Don't say that they are Americas. Are there Europes, Asias???

A German has a national identity and a continental identity. A Brazilian has a national identity and no continental identity.

Are Chinese the only Asian people on this planet? I believe Japanese can call themselves Asian as well.

When we pass the US Border, it is not printed anywhere "American Border"; it is officially written US Border. So why would it be so difficult to keep the USA or US Citizen in our daily conversations?

I remember a Canadian saying while traveling in the USA that he was American. People did not think it was funny!

When Sarah Palin said that Africa was a country, she simply made the same mistake many people (like millions!) do calling USA America. It is sort of a legitimate mistake when one is misinformed about one's own country.

Continental identity has more impact on modern population than we think.

Enough said!

Roberto Kähs

Columbus discovered America in territories that today belong to the Dominican Republic, not to the USA. It seems that many US citizens and Nordish Europeans believe that America was discovered in New York, San Francisco or Miami. All of them (I suppose) know or have heard about the discovery of America made by Columbus...but further that, their knowledge of History and Geography is very poor. They need to receive more instruction untill they understand that America is a continent, from Greenland to the Cape Horn.

Not A Gringo Moron

The first mention of America as a continent dates from 1507, the USA declared its independence on 1776... the name distinguishing the continent was used for 269 years before the USA even existed!.

If you were born in the USA and came to Mexico or most other countries in America (a continent NOT a country) and said you were "american" people would just snicker in derision.

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