September 13, 2005


felix quigley

All a product of how Britain, Europe and indeed Bush and Rice see the conflict.

They see absolute equivalence between the Arab anti-semitic monsters who will not allow Israel to exist (on an area the size of Israel)and the Israelis who are fighting for dear life...to exist.

It is actually when you think about it anti-semitism at work.

And then there are the Irish politicians.

And then there are all those lies spread by the Palestinian activists in Ireland in places in Belfast like St Mary's College of Education, where they educate teachers!about the "occupation" and then about the "settlers"

The media blitz has created this situation. The minds of people very simply have been poisoned.

Some may wonder why I include the US. They say is it not the friend of Israel.

Yes, many Americans ARE friendly to Israel, but not the US government, especially the State Department, whose anti-semitism is legendary.

Then there was james baker with his notorious F..K the Jews comment. He is now a big wheel for Bush in the ME.

What a situation!

Madradin Ruad

David - what else could the police do if there was a warrant ? It's a shame that the same diligence isn't shown in respect of wanted men in the Republic of Ireland.

felix quigley

Of course, Blair could state that there is no equivalence in the Israeli Palestinian situation, and that the Israelis were defending themselves from terrorism. Welcome properly the IDF General. What is wrong with that approach. Blair could have gone to the airport it is THAT important.

Madradin Ruad

I don't think even el presidente Blur can overrule a Judicial decision.Yet.


'David - what else could the police do if there was a warrant ?'

Damn well say no, like anyone else asked to use their authority in a despicable and racist way!

I am disgusted by this action. 'Refugee camps' have long been engine rooms for Palestinian terrorism, and if the Israelis failed to act they would have had many more deaths on their hands than they have had. How can a blessed English court know the ins and outs of a distant land? Answer: they don't and the action is entirely political, driven by anti-Jewish hate groups in the UK, allied to a politically compromised and corrupted judiciary, who in any case wouldn't know their arse from their elbow.

David Vance


Fully agree.



Yes, puff and blow and thatll make the police not try and do their duty!

In one case a refugee from justice escapes - the police are lambasted - in the other the polcie try their best to bring someone to justice and they are lambasted.

Its a no-win situation isnt it?


Jo- I feel you're missing the point that was made in the nazi war trials after WW2- it's no defence to say you were following orders. the British judiciary have NO business doing this and they should be ignored by anyone ordered to carry out their bidding. There's no excuse for criminality, even if sanctioned by the British legal system.

David Vance

"There's no excuse for criminality, even if sanctioned by the British legal system."

Quite, Ed. That adroitly sums up the "Good Friday Agreement" for which Jo has abiding respect.



Im sorry, but thats complete and utter bullsh*t:

"British Police attempted to seize a former senior Israeli army officer at Heathrow airport...after a British judge had issued a warrant for his arrest."

Rule of Law. Else is chaos and insanity.

David Vance

Robert Mugabe's thugs seized land from White farmer, legally. Rule of law, Jo?

Hugh Green

There's no excuse for criminality

The destruction of 59 homes seems pretty criminal to me.



Sorry, not comparable.

And a cheap point against me on the GFA.

You equate Mugabe rule with UK democracy?


'Rule of Law. Else is chaos and insanity.'

Jo- I feel I know people in Eastern Europe who would nod wearily and say, 'yes, we've heard that line somewhere before'.


Thankfully we dont live in EE.

You have argued that the police should have arbitrarily refused to execute a lawful warrant on the basis of your own views of the Israeli officers culpability. Your own political view of Israel is partial - the law should not be.

David Vance


Orders must be obeyed at all times - the siren cry of the left. As you say, there is NO reason why a British Court show allow itself to be manipulated by Palestinian legal groupies. I have more info on this and will post later...it was a truly STUPID decision, and I'm in 100% of your views.



I take the point that the law can be manipulated, but a lawful warrant must be executed and to urge otherwise is subversive Whoeever informed this gentleman that he was to be arrested is guilty of a criminal charge, obstruction of the police in their line of duty, which you have totally ignored here.

In that respect you actually echo Chris G, who is a law student with no respect for the law.

You seem to have it in for the police this week? ;)


...did you get a ticket? ;)

David Vance

Hey Jo,

Because I know you I won't respond in the way that I might be tempted if someone accused ME of being akin to a Sinn Feiner!

And no - I did not get a ticket.

On the subversion issue, I believe it is our Government which is subversive. Are all laws correct? Was capital punishment right? as it right to obey it and hang the convicts? How about slavery, once legal?



I understand the principle that unjust orders should not be obeyed according to an individuals conscience but WHO decides what is lawful or not.

What if a judge had issued a warrant for the arrest of a Palestinian godfather for terrorist offences and a pro-palestinian police chief had refused to act on the warrant.?

A legal situation that allows a judge to issue arbritary arrest warrants on politically motivated accusations can be condemned and should be challenged. The police acting underd ue process should not be. It isn't in anyones interests if the police are permitted to choose which laws or orders to enforce through personal opinion.


I was hoping that an entry would be made about this incident here on ATW. I knew that the usual suspects in the comment section would provide lively entertainment.

You know what MY opinion is. In case you are not sure of my opinion here it is: You're going down the shitter over there. I feel bad for the good people who are trying to hang on to some semblance of liberty. I feel bad for the Davids and the Andrews who are doing their best to protest. I don't feel bad for those of you who justify this action - YOU get what you deserve.


"A legal situation that allows a judge to issue arbritary arrest warrants on politically motivated accusations can be condemned and should be challenged. "

..well it may be that there was a political motivation behind this, or that the waarant is "arbitrary" (surely a slur on the judge?)but the article isnt clear.

Isnt the Geneva convention an accepted international standard?


I said I do take your point about a possible unjust law, such as slavery, etc. I just dont think that this instance about the Israeli officer is a particularly good paradigm.

Im not embarrassed to be accused of being strong on law and order - I just didnt expect to be criticised for it from someone who is markedly to the Right of me! :0

(PS glad u didnt get a ticket!)


Is urging the police not to execute a legal warrant for arrest of a war crimes suspect, somehow a protection of "our semblance of liberty", Monica? How come?


Ill ask a straight question: if the police had refused to serve the warrant on a suspected PLO terrorist, under exactly similar circumstances, who would have supported them?


You equate this man with a so-called 'Palestinian' terrorist. I can't discuss this with you. You are deranged. You will lead your country down the drain.

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