August 17, 2005



Is this bastard still in this country for Gods sake?
He should be whisked off to an unknown destination and let the liberal sickos whinge as much as they like.
And the bloody judiciary.

The Troll

Sure it does David it supports them.

On one hand I don't want anyone to suffer any attack. It would however be interesting to watch how the Terror supporting state of Southern Ireland react when they are on the recieving end. If the bombers were to get away would they have the gaul to ask for other governments cooperation in finding them?

Ultonian Scottis American

Don't be surprised if it turns out that Al Qaeda and the IRA are in cahoots.


"Terror supporting state of Southern Ireland"

Thats funny, your funny Troll.



I would be surprised but I do think it is/was in cahoots with other middle eastern militant types, mainly the PLO


Tell me Troll is Southern Ireland "With You or Against You" in the war on terror,

on one hand we will not send back 3 men to columbia but on another we allow US warplanes and troops to pass through our country on route to "the war on terror"

A Yes or No answer will do.

Ultonian Scottis American


So why is the RoI so willing to send troops to assist East Timor in seceding from Indonesia, but unwilling to risk blood defeating international terrorism? Will it be the Taoiseach or the Taniste signing the condolence book when Osama Bin Laden dies?



We are in East Timor because it is UN sanctioned, we are a Neutral country and can only participate in UN peace keeping missions,
but you are right, we should be doing more in the war on terror,

"Will it be the Taoiseach or the Taniste signing the condolence book when Osama Bin Laden dies?"

Most likely the Taoiseach,

Ultonian Scottis American



Well said!

United Irelander

The Troll

"It would however be interesting to watch how the Terror supporting state of Southern Ireland react when they are on the recieving end."

An Irish citizen was killed in the London Bombing.

An Irish-born hostage was killed by Iraqi insurgents.

Irish people were killed in the Twin Towers atrocity.

33 Irish people were killed when the Loyalists, aided by some rogue members of British intelligence, let off bombs in Dublin and Monaghan causing the single greatest loss of life in The Troubles.

So you see, 'Troll', Irish people know full well what it's like to be on the 'receiving end'.

I suggest you take your head out of your arse and stop being so damn ignorant.

The Troll

Yet the government of Southern Ireland still harbour and protect terrorist in their midst.

The Troll

On the whole the southern Ireland government is against us. They are a terror supporting state and have been for decades it's not just the bogota 3. It is all the IRA/SF terrorists that they don't condemn or turnover.


Lookup Devalera's treatment of IRA prisoners, take UI advise and seriously take your head out of your arse,

"On the whole the southern Ireland government is against us"

I'll tell Ayatollah Bertie to stop allowing US planes through shannon and arrest all US service men at the Airport, also to start work an procuring nuclear weapons immediately


"It is all the IRA/SF terrorists that they don't condemn or turnover."

Another stupid comment,

Your ignorance is astounding, lookup up our justice minister's (Michael McDowell) comments on Sinn Fein



You might want to look a little closer to home before you start talking about governments' inaction against terrorists. At the moment, the MI5-backed loyalist paramilitaries are currently pipe and paint-bombing at will in the North Antrim area, forcing law-abiding residents from their homes, and we've hardly heard a peep from either the blow-in part-time NIO ministers or from the local MP for the area, who was quick to rubbish the Provos' statement last month before it had even left Mr. O'Neill's mouth.

They're also whacking each other left, right and centre over drugs (that bit I don't mind so much, in fact, its quite a joy to see it) and the PSNI are left dangling about like wet lettuces. Add the antics of both police and loyalism at Garnerville and Ardoyne last month and we can see that the higher echelons of the state here don't give a flying fiddlers about loyalist gangsterism.


My apologies, those comments were addressed to the Troll, not Stack.

David Vance


So, let's lock up ALL the loyalist gangsters and ALL the republican gangsters. Let's also lock up the godafthers that pull their strings. Let's agree that no terrorists should EVER sit in Government.

The Troll

Terrorists on both side of the border that engage in violence over drugs, catholic, protestant or just a united Ireland should be locked up and none of them should hold office.

Alowing planes and service men through your country does not make you part of the solution. OOoo lets lock up all the irish bagmen that come to boston and raise money. or better yet lets forbid americans from sending money to ireland or visiting tourism.

The southern Irish government has done nothing for decades to rout out the terrorists in its country. The SF is just the mouth piece of the IRA and should be treated as such.

I don't care what the cause or imaginary justification. When you have individuals that plant bombs and gun people down and a govt that makes excuses for them and doesn't hunt them down prosicute them or insist on varifiable disarmament in any form THAT IS A TERROR SUPPORTING GOVERNMENT.

Ultonian Scottis American


"Let's agree that no terrorists should EVER sit in Government."

Good luck with that one.

They shouldn't even be allowed to run for political office or hold government jobs.


I reckon that the governments in the South, with the exception of John Bruton's, were all to some extent turning a blind eye to the activities of their US-funded terrorists. Yet, for all the carnage, mayhem and death which the IRA caused, it is a different game now. Islam wants to destroy the West and that includes Ireland and the Catholic Church. For all the IRA's gangsterism, there was a politcal bottom line. For islam, the bottom line is the end of us and our way of life.



"Terrorists on both side of the border that engage in violence over drugs, catholic, protestant or just a united Ireland should be locked up and none of them should hold office."


"Alowing planes and service men through your country does not make you part of the solution"

So would we be part of the problem?

"lets lock up all the irish bagmen that come to boston and raise money. or better yet lets forbid americans from sending money to ireland or visiting tourism."


"The southern Irish government has done nothing for decades to rout out the terrorists in its country."

Im sure all the IRA prisoners in portlaoise prison will disagree that the government does nothing to hunt them down,

" The SF is just the mouth piece of the IRA and should be treated as such."

Britian treats them the same and even appoints them as ministers in government - Is Britian a terrorist state? yes or no will do.

"I don't care what the cause or imaginary justification. When you have individuals that plant bombs and gun people down and a govt that makes excuses for them and doesn't hunt them down prosicute them or insist on varifiable disarmament in any form THAT IS A TERROR SUPPORTING GOVERNMENT."

Britian and the loyalists of today fall into to that category,
so again I will ask you is Britian a TERROR SUPPORTING GOVERNMENT, or have you only a problem with the republic?

The Troll

Yes the Blair government in making deals to let terrorists out of jail and allowing them to do the things they are making deals on, They are supporting Terror. And it is going to bite them in the ass.

There may be terrorists in the jails but a large number of terrorists walk the streets with out that govt extraditing them to where they are wanted or doing what they should do to rout them out and lock them up and you know it.

Locking up the bagmen and cutting off tourism to Ireland was in response to your nonsense about planes and soldiers. There are a lot of ways to cut money off from Ireland.

Ultonian Scottis American


The fact remains, RoI is supporting terrorism in other sovereignties by these activities.

As for as I know, the only accusation akin to this is the Loyalist bombs that went off in Dublin and Monaghan over 30 years ago.

From papers released by the RoI government, the Irish army was asked for its invasion plan of NI in 1969 or so. Of course, the army replied that it would be anniliated.

So, then Haughey was provided with the means to smuggle arms into NI for the IRA instead.

As the cases of Garda casualties at the hands of the IRA being treated differently than when RUC was involved show, RoI has played, and continues to play, an ambiguous role. Much like Pakistan's President Musharif.

What they have is a Celtic Tiger By The Tail.

RoI has also lived off NATO protection for decades. Neutral? This didn't seem to extend to providing succor for Nazi submarine crews.

And as for disingenuously pointing out the UK allowing SF into government in NI, this is because of pressure from RoI and, I'm ashamed to say, the US.

At least here there has been a reassessment of attitudes and actions by Catholic Irish Americans. The Columbia 3 as well as 9/11 is exposing IRA terrorism for what it, as well as Islamic terrorism, is: a criminal enterprise masquerading as a politico-religious movement.


"Locking up the bagmen and cutting off tourism to Ireland was in response to your nonsense about planes and soldiers. There are a lot of ways to cut money off from Ireland"

Not nonsense - Humour, look it up....

It seems that most goverments according to you are TERROR SUPPORTING GOVERNMENTS, America has a tough job taking down all Terror supporting governments, good luck with that



"So, then Haughey was provided with the means to smuggle arms into NI for the IRA instead"

He didn't succeed and was sacked for it. not for long mind you.

"From papers released by the RoI government, the Irish army was asked for its invasion plan of NI in 1969 or so. Of course, the army replied that it would be anniliated."

That plan was drawn up cause Thousands upon thousands of Irish people where burned out of NI and the RUC and British police did nothing - It was the single biggest mass movement of people in Europe since WWII

"RoI has also lived off NATO protection for decades. Neutral? This didn't seem to extend to providing succor for Nazi submarine crews"

Look at our Neutrality a bit closer, we where Neutral on the side of the Allies

"And as for disingenuously pointing out the UK allowing SF into government in NI, this is because of pressure from RoI"

I didn't know we had enough muscle to dictate to Britain was government minister to have

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